I'm itching to buy a new bag or at least something new from the shop that is the cause of my love affair. But whilst I'm mulling over something that wouldn't break the bank...I'm currently trying to decide if I want to save for this (which would no doubt take a longer time)

or this:

which would be much quicker to save for, but wouldn't stand the test of time.
One can be passed down and become a family heirloom for the daughter that I would hopefully have because really, Chanel is timeless or there's the Chloe, which is new and very very pretty. The consensus however seem to be that Chanel wins and I would like to think so too. Now, I just have to cultivate the art of patience. ha.
In other news though, I got a letter from the university today. Apparently my HD grade last semester (that pulled my average up by a rather significant amount) placed me in the top 5-10% of the people who took that subject, which though isn't a very large number, still is some feat i guess. It is great news because that subject and the other one could be considered the make or break subjects for my career when i decide that I want to specialise.
So really, all is good. all is well and i'll be home January till April next year:)
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