love me. love you.

bring me chocolate. coffee and ice-cream. heaps please.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Change the world

Yups. Thats the title of John Mayer's new single. For a preview, just click on his name..and there's a link that'll take you right to his preview. Woo yes. Finally, after waiting for like 4 years, his new CD is out, out, out. They're launching it in America on the 12th of September and has it avaliable for pre-order. I love It rocks. ha. Now I can't wait to get in the mail. whee. whee. whee.

Anyhow, I got my voice back. Chilli and curry, so does a job that makes you talk heaps helps (apparently).I'm still coughing though and those headaches are appearing as if they've got a life of their own (I think they do!). Panadol is a miracle drug though. Sleep is too. I'm thankful for the weekend.

That said..I thought I'll list the things that I like about Sunday...

  1. Sunny days (since the week that Jinwei and I broke up)
  2. Starbucks
  3. Waking up whatever time I want
  4. Anticipating that my new eye-candy would be at Starbucks
  5. Knowing enough people who work there on Sundays - cheaper coffee
  6. Nua-ing
  7. Chilling at home
  8. Being able to finish my assignments
  9. Having heaps of time to waste
  10. I just love Sundays


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