my first bout of loneliness.

has anyone back home been watching heros? It's quite interesting, but it has cost me a couple of sleepless nights since I've started on imagination often gets sent into whirrs after about 4 hours worth of it. But trust me, it's not the amount of time that i spent staring at the computer. trust me. it really isn't. In any case, that said...i think if i ever had a superpower..i want it to be the ability to bend space and time like hiro does in the show (he's the cutest i tell. he kinda scrunches up his eyes and he then concentrates really hard, then he disappears. like phooh. I wanted to find a picture of him doing that...coz' he's the cutest then but then i can't seem to be able to find one (even though derrick says that there are alot of them floating around the discussion forums. oh well). I think it's fantastic how i can bend time and space. because if i can teleport around then, i could just go home whenever i wanted to. I could pop by el alamein, i could drop by home and pick up the shirt that i forgot. I could go home and sleep on my bed every night and i could bring in all the things i want without having to go through customs. that would be so wonderful. most importantly though, i think i would be able to live my live having lesser of the "i wish i didn't do" moments. yah man.
anyhow..see, what did i say about imagination going out of whack? ah ha. For those whom i haven't told and who is interested in knowing, especially with all my recent moaning about hongkong...I basically got granted an interview with the representatives from Freshfields on the coming Monday. I mean it's not much. but i suppose, it's something. To have something. It's that bit of validation. and it's a good feeling. Although, having the ruckus die down, and having time to think about it. I suppose it's not so much after all. Because it is JUST an interview and i don't know how much it matters towards that internship.i mean i want it so badly, that i'm saying it here now..that i'm willing to give up eating chocolate for a year if i get it. Yes serious. Even if i get to go to Switzerland at the end of the year and have all the delectable swiss chocolates at my disposal, i wouldn't take one for exchange for that internship. yes. That's how much i want it. haiyah
i think i'll write more tomorrow. brain's processing at 256 mb now. very very slow.
p.s. i was just reading this post after it was published. I think I have issues. Too many freudian slips of "trust me" which say that i've got problems with my own sense of self-worth and an insecurity complex. how's that for self-diagnosing. i'm losing it.
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