lots of loving.

I love how, with the ending of winter, people are gradually spending time sprawled across the lawns basking in the sun. The grass is also back in force.
I love how the warmer weather signals a day closer to home, where whether the sun shines or not - it's still warm and icky.
I love the way the orange of the setting sun coats everything in this amazing light - where even the gloomiest of colours become beauootiful.
i love the way my music takes me to a safe place. away from the hardness and tiredness of the day. Away from my troubles and it makes me leave everything behind.
I love that I was put through an education system where trying too hard wasn't kiasu, that made me learn my mother tongue, somehow foretelling that I would find my greatest solace in the likes of Jay, Gary, JJ and Alan.
I love how Australian politics is so theatrical in nature (and it becomes funnier with each election). It makes me laugh that in the past week one person admitted to being a "goose" and just today, we know that we're not ABOVE the rule of law.
I love the fact that the new Colombia mission landed safe back to earth - it's a relieve for me and a terrible amazement. read it here.
and Google earth is going to make stargazers out of all of us. Hooray to Google. The glaxay at my fingertips and on my 13-inch screen! Look here.
Those loves aside, I'm beginning to really cherish those one hour breaks between my classes where it's just me and my ipod, with coffee and papers. It's a good break for me.
and so i leave you, with my new friend. 24/7, all the time. and a bit of lyrics...
There's always something
In the way
There's always something
Getting through
But it's not me
it's You
Sometime's ignorance
Rings true
But hope is not in
What I know
Not in me
It's in You
It's all I know
And I find peace
When I'm confused
I find hope when
I'm let down
Not in me
But in You
I hope to lose myself
For good
I hope to find it in the end
Not in me
It's You
It's all I know
- You, Switchfoot
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