My tummy is a bit of a topsy turvy - hate that i'm feeling like this just because i'm a woman.
Meant to have started writing my essay ages ago, soon after breakfast - but i've been getting acquainted to English history during the time of Henry the 8th and painting my nails a vivid shade of red in attempt to chase away some of the winter cold.

Read that Singapore got Pedra Branca - if "got" is even the right word for it. Malaysia got the middle rocks. I think it would have been a kick-ass case to be part of. That amazing-ness of the law, and the arguments surrounding the issue appealed to the nerd in me. so yes, for those who haven't been aware (because there are times when things just slip by unknowingly), we (as in Singapore) were for the last decade, in "dispute", nevertheless an amicable one over an island smaller than the size of a football field. I think. So exciting things do happen in Singapore :)
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