rain rain go away.
As i told my friend Jaime (not Jamie - two very different people altogether), Melbourne kinda got catapulted right back into the middle of winter with our very rainy, very cold 16 degree day smack back at the end of spring/beginning of summer. Yup, it's been raining and storming and it's really gloomy - makes you feel like all you want to do is sleep in and just spend the rest of the day dreaming about lovely things because it's really too cold to be out there.
But then of course, along comes rachel and rose to the rescue, with good company and amazing amazing coffee to accompany a HUGE breakfast and it chases all the gloom and doom away. I have self diagnosed with S-A-D see, Seasonal Anxiety/Affective Disorder... in any case:
Out came the boots, the coats, the wellies, the brollies, if you really think about it, it reflects the current economic situation - sucky but we might get occasionally a glimmer of sun light. It's about that now... the rain's coming and going and in between spurts of it all the sun comes back out and people curse and swear as they keep their umbrellas once again but i'm sure they're glad the sun's back out. it's all nice when the sun's out.
oh well and shoes...these shoes. my flower shoes - i finally got them for 50 bucks.

They were originally 140 and i refused to spend a penny on them because i'll probably be only amused with them for a little while - but now that they are only 50... what a bargain!:)
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