Leo Lessons
Lesson 3: When the materials teaching you how to present matters in Court tell you to say "we" you should really say "i"
Lesson 4: Judges like to make things really difficult for you sometimes, so therefore, everything that comes out of your mouth needs to mean something and needs to go towards something.
Lesson 5: The "judge" in my court room today commented to ALL the girls, even me, and said that we all have very soft voices :|
In other news,

I've been in love with Burberry Check Lowry Bag since laying my eyes on it at the Burberry sale one fine December afternoon. The only problem with it though is that the bag in itself is very heavy, and therefore, knowing how much stuff I lug around all the time.... I would have to go for something slightly lighter. or smaller, from the same collection. Ah. the beauty of Burberry! :))
Labels: poot., pretty things.
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