cooking curry.
Familar aromas bring me back home. That's how i felt when i was making the curry today. It's been a nice sunday. I haven't done much since waking up at 12. Besides the obligatory house cleaning and laundry washing. oh and eating. yah. eating. if only that wasn't obligatory. Then life would be perfect i tell you.
The weather's pretty much great too. It's not insanely warm, neither is it insanely cold. I wished mum and dad was here though. It would be nice to have a huge breakfast on lygon together, it would be even better that I get to stay at a hotel with them. ah ha. tub soaking. lovely lavender scents - it would totally drive the stress outta the window. This nagging tension that I've been getting on my shoulders, is getting a tad overbearing, more and more uncomfortable and I can only foresee that it's going to get worse in the coming weeks. I just feel alot of pain lately. I hope there would be no more though.
I had first bout of loneliness on friday. It just came out of the blue, with the cold wind. Maybe i ought not to have been at QV during lunch hour, or I shouldn't have been listening to chinese music - especially since I know that they have the tendency to take me away from australia, far far away, body here, heart and spirit someplace else. It's the company that i miss the most being here. Really it is. Leaving Singapore's always hard because you're being forced once again to compromise how comfortable you've become. Leaving Australia's hard too, because you're being forced to remember all those things that there through the months you've made yourself forget, the inability to remember or ignorance, is often the best cure for everything. As in law, what you don't know, that extra snippet information that you don't know whilst defending a client who claims he's innocent, cannot hurt you. Yes. Ignorance is often bliss.
ignorance, or hiro's power. the power to bend space and time, is fantastically beneficial for reducing those "shucks" moments. that said, my jiemei's coming and in a few weeks too. I can't wait. I'm so excited. A piece of home in her. Probably one of the reasons, why i would go home and be in asia. Oh copious amounts of green tea too i suppose.
However, despite all of THAT, in all fairness, I have had fun. I've found someone who is willing to go for all these things (guggenheim/john mayer/grand prix) with me. And that person is ROSE. yes, yes. watch out for her. don't play-play. fantastic international lawyer in the making. A photographer/chef/connoisseur on the side too perhaps.
Australian Grand Prix 2007


Rose with hot BUT smelly Bridgestone men. HOT.

hummer limo and i'm having a drink in it:)

to-be-lawyers who pontang school.

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