first week.

It hasn't been a classic first week in Melbourne this year. Strangely. I'm usually in hibernation mode in the first week, I don't do anything, I don't talk to anyone, I'm absolutely grumpy (like 10X PMS), I don't eat and I just sleep, watch tv and sleep. I barely even listen to stuff in school. But I suppose this year's been a bit different, possibly due to how differently it started. Barb and Connie was there at the airport, to get me first thing in the morning, grumpy, sleepy and zombie-d out and all. Following which, they sat through me falling asleep on them whilst having coffee. I even went to school after, which wasn't all too smart because I almost fell off the chair on a very hot and stuffy Melbourne day. Ya.
Then of course, Tuesday came along, filled with glorious sun and new lectures (that i'm so glad have kept me occupied). Ooh, of course, the brillant, fantastic and gorgeous crunchyroll that is filled with episodes and episodes of Hanakimi and that show that's got the small pig and ghost (eh. read in chinese). ha. Those things however, continued to leave me bumbling along.
Wednesday was dinner with Andrew and he had to finish my beer. (see totally unlike hibernation mode) I had lots of bird nest, copious amounts that really, I hope isn't overdoing it.
Thursday was St. Kilda day. Had this small celebration for AC's founder's day. and of course more Hanakimi.
Friday. Now what did i do on friday? ooh i know. DFO and gym. Yes. Back to gym we go, liane, chery and i. It was painful. That's how out of shape I've been and more Hanakimi.
Saturday...saturday was ROSE's day. Back to groove train we went, for the most delectable things. Then it was ferrari's 60th anniversary. There were so many ferraris on lygon street and though the rain was a bit of a killjoy, it didn't take how beautiful everything was. And, there's me with my new hat. ha. (buai pai seh).
Dinner was with sara, connie and barb...i had the most amazing mojito ever. Mei..i'm taking you there when you come because i tell you their alcohol rocks. ah ha. It comes in this huge class with ice, like chendol (but it's got ALCOHOL, BARB SCREAMS.) She couldn't drink coz' she was driving. ta.
And Sunday, well sunday. Sunday's been lazy day. Today was lazy day. Today was wake up at 1.30 day and watch Curse of The Golden Flower with liane day. Seriously, ahha. it's a what?!! kinda show. no point. just alot of blood and ALOT of chrysanthemuns. diao. yah. really diao.
Too much food. Too much sleep. Too little Hanakimi. Too little Wu Zhun. Next week, time to get my butt off and start mugging. but I love my life. ha.
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