massive photo backlog.
Post-exams Steamboat.
then we play mini table tennis
not forgetting scrabble. I love scrabble many many even though, i'm not very good.
The long endless road. I take great comfort in how it never seems to end.
I secretly think that sometimes my friends have been other sorts in a past life.
So that was terrence above, and this is andrew. Just so you know, the water was frigid cold which is why i refused to budge from where i was.
me:) coz' i didn't want the boys to take a photo of me by myself.
So there, I just decided that it would be just these few photos that i put up because even though there are heaps more, i don't see the need to prove that I AM really a photowhore. ha. It has really been a good few days and I think, perhaps, i do need to get off my ass and get applications done and completed. Afterall, the world is my oyster (or so i would like to believe.) Now i'm sleepy again after so much chocolate. yawn. Hewitt and Andrews is playing tonight, though I'm not that great a fan of them both - i shall watch it anyway. A bit of patriotism and good tennis never harms anyone. Safin is hot. hot. hot. ha. I just learnt today too that chocolate makes you forget and good chocolate (e.g. the KOKO black kind) is even better, it gives you amnesia. It helps you forget boys.
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