Run Forest Run.

Already in my gazillonth break since I've woken up, I should really be getting down and dirty with my construction law assignment, but gah....there are just simply too many distractions. It's strange how the littlest things became great distractions even when they're things you don't usually do. And no, my house is not in chaos, in fact, i've been blessed with complete serenity. No noise - just absolute silence, it's been me and music except for when my cousin came home bearing a good deal of a gift...COFFEE. life would be horrible and unbearable without it.
I suppose it doesn't really help that my cousin and Sarah are practically on holiday already (bloooody Monash, they cannot even grant us a decent two week holiday), so the holiday mood is in the air. Haiyah. But they've been really nice to me - I've been getting good goood food that I never thought could actually come of my kitchen, coffee delivery [no words can express my gratitude! COFFEE:)], wake up calls (of which most of the time, i just end up going back to my bed because my blankets are insanely comforting when i need to just vegetate and hide out from the rest of the world).
So that said, I'm looking forward to going to meet shan in sydney for our run. I'm crazily looking forward to it and gloria coming too, although, my schedule suddenly just became insane for the weekend. I don't know why - it just looks like it. i say sorry first luopo.:(. Running does good things to my system. Wonderful. wonderful things like how all i think about is about powergel for two hours and nothing sorta food-ish.
Before Sydney though, just thought that the melbournians who read this blog would be interested in this event that Oxfam is holding on September 18th at Federation Square. It's called National Close the Gap Day
And noooo, despite what it seems to be, it's not a rally or a protest. I wouldn't put myself in such a precarious positiong - hello future at stake here. It's all legal. It's rather carnival-ish. The event is to essentially create awareness for both the indigenous community and the Australian public. On the side of the indigenous community, its to give them a platform to speak and have their concerns heard. It is also for them to understand that there are actually health services out there catered specifically to them. The indigenous community and the rest of the Australian public can be compared to being chinese and the rest of the world - different in culture and traditions.
so do come if you can, i'll be there helping out and working with oxfam. it's just for two hours. Come by to sign the petition and learn more - There'll be music (lou bennett), plenty of time to mingle and chill out :)
What do you feel when you see all the homeless on the street?
Who do you pray for at night before you go to sleep?
What do you feel when you look in the mirror?
Are you proud?
How do you sleep while the rest of us cry?
How do you dream when a mother has no chance to say goodbye?
How do you walk with your head held high?
Can you even look me in the eye
And tell me why?
- Dear Mr. President, Pink.
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