Happy new years my friends. Thank you for another fantastic year - for the companionship, for all the encouragement, for the messages, for worrying when i blog about unhappy things, for making me smile all the many miles away.
I hope 2008 would be even better than 2007 was.
I hope you lot are doing what you really want - today, tomorrow and the many days that follows after. So whilst I'm spending my time at home being a tv-addict accompanied by the lights of Boston Legal, Coffee Prince, You-tube videos and alot of other random things on this first day of 2008, I hope you all getting all the chocolate, cake, exercise, presents or anything else that would make YOU and YOU and YOU happy.
So for this year, even whilst I run endlessly after my dream of being a great lawyer once more i'll still try to be upbeat and happy, though I know it's one long endless tiring journey. So my dear friends, I hope that as you follow your dreams (whether new or from before) may this new year be filled with heaps of joy, smiles and all other wonderful things despite how arduous it might be.
Don't lose sight of it - I'll be here (as before) if you need me.
Love, yan.
You looking for something you can't find,
If you give it up you'll lose your mind
There's always something in your way
What can you say?
You're going to have a good day
- Have a good day, Click 5
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