Quest for a new phone.

Ah ha. Tis the season to catch up with what technology has got to offer. It's time for me retire my Sony Walkman phone. I'm a bit reluctant to see it go because it's been so good to me. But then i kind of like of the idea of being able to check my email on the go - particularly since workaholism is inherent to me. OOH. how lovely.
I was contemplating getting a Blackberry because BB messenger is very good for Barbara to message me and rant for free. But then it's not sleek enough and I could wait for my firm to give me one when the time comes (assuming that they consider it a necessary expense. ha.)
So now after much deliberation, it's a toss between those two phones. The new Nokia N97 and the Sony Ericsson X1 which are really similar features wise except perhaps for the fact that the Nokia has got a better camera (dammit. it has the same number of mega pixels as my canon!) and the SE X1 is 8g heavier.
However, I am leaning towards the SE X1 more. Particularly since i don't really like the Nokia that i have now and i fell in love with the SE X1 the moment i set eyes on it.
In the latest news, it's cheaper for me to buy it off singtel. whee. maybe that's the way i'll go. new phone here i come?
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