love me. love you.

bring me chocolate. coffee and ice-cream. heaps please.

Friday, March 23, 2007

You just don't get.

Don't we all get strange thoughts in our heads? I just did just now. I was just thinking about stuff - i'm in my mood. It's PMS as evidenced by my incessant hunger (i had like a whole tray of sushi, pie and a bowl of rice + beef for the day!) and my huge, humongous craving for chocolate, yes of course not forgetting that. The huge craving for my chocolate and my inability to have any energy for gym. I'm bloated, got swollen ankles. Shucks. I hate this time of the month like hell. I'm so exhausted, hardly feels like i get can any work done. I feel lonely. Therefore, this is a warning to everyone - keep away, keep away. I'm cranky like hell and I'm eating like a hippotamus, people who are rude to me would make me scream at them, regardless of whom or what they are. The irony ain't it...I'm lonely and feeling like i'm stuck in a SHITHOLE, the rain doesn't make things any better, copious amount of work doesn't either, neither does my insatiable appetite. I want chocolate. Like a shit load of chocolate. Just well, just..there's no one to share it with at the moment. Till Rose comes back at least, or some other person who doesn't feel the way i do - crap. Who doesn't have work to do, or assignments to hand up. Why do I simply think that person would only exist in my dreams at this point of time - faraway, faraway. Haiyah. I think I'm being melodramatic. If only there were miracle drugs to drive all this crap away. Drugs.

Anyhow, back to the stuff that I was thinking about. (just a thought - i'm feeling so carbo-y now i want to throw up) You know, I love my parents alot. Like muchos, muchos. But then sometimes I dont get them. i don't get what they're thinking. I don't get how like doing something for someone, i don't know. Where honestly, it's not like being in Singapore. It's like a gazillon miles away, without a car and what like an hour and a half by train. And there's a need to pass through dodgy areas to. When seriously, it could just be coming one way to get someone or do something by CAR and save the trouble of everything. WHich of course is the point i don't get. People don't believe me. Maybe because, I'm often over dramatic and perhaps, I might exaggerate things at times. I mean, i don't do it all the time. But sometimes. In any case. Haiyah. I don't know.


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