when everything fades away.

Kelly Clarkson is MORE than anything I've ever imagined her to be. I haven't had such a thrill since watching John Mayer the very first time.
The new modern equivalent of playing in mud + getting down and dirty is paintball. Gun tottering, overalls, masks and paint pellets-typish paintball. Where you get smelly and oily from the smell of pellets being shot at you from all directions. Bruises from the after effects and a Mexican Standoff with the remainding. Thrill of a lifetime.
Way better than that is standing in the cold trying to get a cab, then falling on your face running after a silly train because your Converses will skid across a paved road, afterwich ending up with more scratches than paintball + taking a tram all the way home.
Then I end such a day with maggi noodles, snuggled on the couch with gilmore in the dvd player, cringing with each move i make and barely being able to walk from the half marathon, from the brusies of paintball and a whole host of other things that have been weighing down on my mind.
Three months and I'm still sober
Picked all my weeds but kept the flowers
But I know it's never really over
And I don't know
I could crash and burn but maybe
At the end of this road I might catch a glimpse of me
- Sober, Kelly Clarkson
and because I've become such a groupie and the fact that next year is my last year is HITTING home such that I'm paying quite a price to watch JT from a not great seat coz' i might never get to see him again. Especially since it seems that home is on the cards.
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