Live Life. & Sometimes, it's better to tell the truth.
Having ended off saturday with heroes and Grey's - I must say that the producers are perhaps taking all our feedback seriously. I think I still love Heroes as much, but Grey's, I love it so much more this season. The characters are once again telling their stories through their patients. I feel like it's more real.
Anyhow, the weather's been dreadfully crummy over the last few days. So bad that it just makes you want to stay in bed the whole day - curled up beneath the sheets so that you wouldn't be wet and cold. So yes, climate change IS happening. because just days before - i had this......

Well in any case, at least the weather's slightly better today. The sun's out, it's shiny. Not too warm but not too chilly either. Problem with it though - i'm stuck inside being a dork. We should not try and hide the fact WE ARE DORKS.
Linkin Park in a few hours. I hope they don't disappoint.:)
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