well well well happy new year once again. how time flies (and so, i often say). Byebye to the dog and hello to the pig. ha. It's strange period of the year, this lunar new year thing. I remember, as kids, my sisters and I would look forward to this time so anxiously. Anxiously waiting for the new year goodies, anxiously waiting for those red packets and the chance to don all that new clothes. But, now..we're strangely all rethinking that position. Possibly because things have happened, that have strained relations...possibly. i'm not sure though. maybe being all grown up and knowing things, makes you rethink all the hyprocrisy that constantly surrounds me, my sisters and everyone else around us.
Still though, the lunar new year is always a culmination for me. A culmination of the summer holidays. A reminder that it's time to head back to school. I'm looking forward to school. Brain feeling rather useless after 4 months worth of holidays. all the new books that i'm going to get (no. i'm sane. seriously.) It's rather exciting and scary at the same time too though. With sherlynn and ros' constant reminders of me now...officially being part of the elite..law-only club. I'm not going to have a easy time, but hey..it's what i was going to university for..to be a full fledged law student. ooh.
I didn't do many things this summer. The usual yes. But more than though, i got an amazing job. I've learnt so much, I'm glad that with each new job, the experiences that I have and the stuff that I learn changes. It's brillant :) OOh. and also in line with the...every summer holiday, one adventure mantra...i went trekking to chiang mai. Not far. but it was amazing. We were blessed with a fantastic hotel, fantastic food and I was blessed with an amazing bunch of fellow adventure seekers. They were patient and always, always so kind with me. Scrambling up a mountain in absolute darkness, scrambling down a mountain in absolute darkness, beautiful waterfalls, sunrises and sunsets, stupid cockerels and oh so many pigs. It was an experience of a lifetime.
sunset. |
my very patient friends. |