love me. love you.

bring me chocolate. coffee and ice-cream. heaps please.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

oh goodbye Part 1.

So here's how absurdly warm Melbourne is at the moment:

  1. The highest temperature today was 43 degrees and it will be the same once again tomorrow.
  2. The lowest temperature recorded today was 32 degrees.
  3. It was around 40 degrees yesterday.
  4. It is so warm that I can't open the windows because even though i'm living on the 19th floor, the stuff that comes through the windows isn't wind - it's heat.
  5. I can't wait to get to work/school every morning because the place is air-conditioned and it is alot cooler than home.
  6. I have two fans blowing at me and i'm still perspiring.
  7. Despite how much water i drink, I feel thirsty and my nose kinda decided to bleed (all of a sudden).
So I shan't bore with any of my mundane, pathetic details any longer because I'm just dealing with it. How I wish my apartment was air-conditioned. :( and make an attempt at photo-logging summer. It wasn't every long but then, hongkong and all the other random ridiculous things i did with my friends and HIM deserves well more posts.


Mezzanine and Sentosa
He spoils me:))

Batam with the girls
We finally get to go on holiday!!!