Been through one helluva of a week, and i got through it - with quite alot of help. Two papers down (i hope i do well) and two more to go (these two I have to do good as well). It's been great having HIM around to provide some alternate form of distraction, a source of calm amidst all the exam stress that has been floating around the melbourne air - yup. It is exam season and everyone's just stressed. It's like a disease and it spreads - you try hard not to be stressed, but really when you eat, sleep, breathe it, coupled with the fact that it somehow through the process of osmosis enters through your skin and into your system. Really, it's kinda hard to runaway from it.
So yay. Thank YOU for being there :)
and HE was nice enough to take me out to dinner tonight, to celebrate the fact, or rather to "reward" me for having gone through two papers without that much of killing myself. And it was lovely. (I miss you Rosie!! Thank you for the fantastic recommendation!!).

The food was amazing:
For starters, there were these amazing FAT scallops with ham.
Then, i had pasta - handmade parpardelle with oxtail and lentil ragu and HE had char-grilled scotch fillet
Dessert was lemon and mascarpone tart with homemade vanilla ice-cream ( did i mention i love vanilla ice-cream where I can see the specks of vanilla bean!)
And the best thing was, to top it ALLL of, we had bubbly. Two glasses of tres amazing French bubbly. (I think he's way too indulgent - spoils me too much!)
Then more drinks after at Lily Black's - one of my favouritest bars in melbourne. taddah. amazing way to end the week!
BUT tomorrow, it all begins again!
You sat down next to me, like poetry to wine
Our window looked upon a yellow neon sign
I took your hand while you decided what to do
The only kiss I ever miss, I shared with you
The other cities hold a memory still of a place
But when I dream of London, I can only see your face- I want you, Rachel Yamagata
Mei, Jiemei, I put up pictures just for the both of you - so don't complain k?!