love me. love you.

bring me chocolate. coffee and ice-cream. heaps please.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Compromise in Privacy.

Hey you all,

There's been a recent compromise in my privacy and I really don't want to share my life with ANYONE ELSE but the few who matter. So I've moved.

Drop me a message on my email if you'll like my new blog address!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


I remember how when we first met... I had to bug you to get on Facebook. Just because it was so convenient and you really could easily check out the competition.

because it was so fun then and I could observe you from afar.

But now, I don't know anymore. I know too much.

Lately, some part of me thinks that ME, YOU + ME wouldn't be able to survive this.

and will someone tell me why...

That one of the few good things that ever happens to me is so hard to keep?

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Let's hope this never happens.

你常常說 我很完美
沒人能取代 我給的一切
我就以為 我努力更完美
我們 就會永遠

完美並不美 我們多虛偽
你讓我的好 變成一種罪
完美並不美 當你愛了誰
我的完美也只是 不完美

不,完美, 李玖哲