Semester 1 Year 4 over.
The exams are ended. Today. And though I often wish that the feeling of joy and relief that I tend to expect would be ten times greater than what I'm currently feeling, it's a good thing to actually be able to verbalise how thankful I am that this ordeal is finally over. O-V-E-R It was my first straight law semester and it was an experience.
There was all that reading, all those hours at the library, all the endless hours spent bickering and almost biting our own heads off (but we still like "this"!), all the almonds and milk biscuits, ALL THAT INSANE AMOUNT OF POST-ITS (tab this, tab that, mark this, mark that), the ES-TELER days (where rach has now, officially a middle name! hee.), there were tea days, rainy days, impromptu-let's-go-watch-a-movie-squirm-in-our-seats-days. It was good though and I thank you, rose, rach and chloe for the company. :)
I appreciate the wake-ups calls (daddy, andrew) and coffee deliveries (couz, andrew,chloe). I appreciate for understanding that i need to rant, even if it's just for 20 mins (Jams, Rose) and for understanding that I CANNOT LIVE WITHOUT MY CAFFEINE FIX AT NOON :). Also, for understanding that in these last two weeks, banana bread and coffee couldn't have been like it used to be, because i was always off somewhere else in spirit (barb) - but yet, never forgetting to drag me out so that I would maintain a degree of sanity (Barb, Sarah, Zorro)
So once again, without all the support, there was NO WAY, absolutely no way at all that I would have got through this, in one, coherent BUT sometimes still babbling, form of a person. So now, that all this is over and after all that jazz and drama, I'm still here alone, without anyone. Therefore, I'm going to swaddle myself in blankets with a warm mug of instant coffee (because obviously gloria jeans doesn't deliver to my house.darn it) and watch tv (please please let me get sex in the city on dvd), and if not, i'm going to let my brain fly off to some faraway place, on days where I'm not gymming.
Bliss. Now my brain, just flew to timbuktu.