It's been an insanely warm two days - averaging 40 degrees in the middle of autumn. Well ok, it's technically not the middle of autumn yet, but well we're way way way into Autumn to be having summery 40 degree days. I mean of course, I'll probably be complaining about the cold over the next few weeks because if everything goes according to plan, yes, the weather ought to be averaging in the mid-20s by the end of March. It's global warming i tell you - for everything it's worth - it might even snow in the city this winter or it could just be soooo cold that I'll just turn into a bear that has gone into hibernation and people will have to go through mountains of blankets just to find me. It'll be too cold even to eat.
It's so possible...It's scary. But Melbourne gets the full brunt of bad weather - it's officially living up to it's name of being the city that has 4 seasons in a day. I mean, of course, it's not hard to live with - you just kinda get used to it. but oh well. Come to think of it..singapore doesn't have THAT predictable weather either.
Anyhow, I think, as usual my photos do NOT do justice to what life has been like these last two days because of the heat ( i have turned darker already and I didn't even try! ). We played paintball all suited up on Sunday, thankfully the field was air-conditioned helped a teensy bit, but it wasn't enough.
I'm becoming firm friends with my swimming pool on the 25th floor. heh.
Then, my cousin (in all her wisdom) discovered a new coffee place just well, right below the apartment which is opened tres early on a sunday morning. They serve the closest thing you probably ever get to iced kopi-o. But seriously, who is complaining?! Melbourne serves one of the most decent cuppas around. They've let you change it to all manner and form and they even have honey.
I'm a very contented caffeine addict in Melbourne.
And lastly, my hair. yes my hair. I got it cut today and the stylist decided that my hair was worthy of a change - i.e. iron it till there's some semblance of I having wavy hair at the end - almost korean. which I bared for a grand total of 10 mins and gave up having my fringe in my face after. ha. I thought it was pretty though.
All suited up and ready to paint-ball.
Bevan and Terrence.
Can't get anyway without Bevan these days. ha.
Post paint-ball. On the way to lunch.
My cous and I have turned aviator girls.
Bright sunny day at tres amazing coffee place.
still deciding if coffee is really good or not though.
New haircut:)But let me say
You should have seen that sunrise with your own eyes
it brought me back to life
- 3 X 5, John Mayer.