Sunday, December 07, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
doode doode.
I tap my feet and click my heels, then i totter off into the sunshine. happy as a pea.
almost home. almost home to see my baby.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
More things to add to the list.
- Birthday present in the mail :)))
- T-6 days to home.
- Another offer...whee.
Although now, i just cannot comprehend why i bother to make the call when every single time i end up feeling so frustrated and judged. Don't you already know? you have the power, you hold the key to turn me from happy to completely completely devastated. even if i tell myself that I won't let it be so. it's hard being me when it's you.
it's even harder when i realise that all my life I'm trying to seek your approval.
so even though now i'm more than perfectly happy, there's a gaping hole where more happy once was.
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
Happy things.
- Yay! for chanel.
- Going home in T- 7 days.
- My new Minters pen - which is all powerful and great and now, because of my really nice changeover student... I've got 2 :))
- Internship at WongP (even though it's only 2 weeks, it's better than nothing - because their construction department can rival D&N)
- T-7 days left to end of Prof Prac.
- Graduation: sore that I have to pay $156.00 but glad that I'm on track for graduation.
- Completing 15kms in record time (1 hr 25 mins 14 secs), but paying for it still.
- P.S I Love You dvd - i'm ready for a sob fest.
- Lots of Mango in my fridge.
- Being very busy and I mean VERY BUSY.
- That the last time I heard this song I wasn't happy, BUT now, in a perfectly happy place.
Even the best fall down sometimes
Even the wrong words seem to rhyme
Out of the doubt that fills my mind
I somehow find
You and I collide
- Collide, Howie Day