What's this you say.
Well so tomorrow or today (by Australian time) would be the fourth week that I've been back. However, as my cousin concurs, feels like it has been forever already since I last set foot on Singaporean soil. Strange huh. I still can't comprehend why holidays pass so quickly and time here, passes soooooo extremely slowly.
And no, unlike last semester I'm not utterly bored or free with nothing to do, in fact, I'm in work/school monday to friday 9-5 on most days and still bring work home to complete. In fact, I've to be so utterly on time that usually by about 9.25 am I have a cup of Brother Baba Budancoffee in my hands, attempting to coerce my brain into concentration. It usually doesn't work, but it helps me stay awake for the first half hour to an hour.
I even have eye bags under my eyes and I NEVER get eye bags till the point where I spent the whole summer in law firms.
So what's this thing that I've been doing and complaining about to anyone or everyone who will listen? it's bar school. I'm not saying it's a bad place, in fact I think it's fantastic what they are doing. Hardly anywhere in the world is there a system that trains law graduates this way, the practical way, with lawyers having probably a century's worth of experience combined together under one roof, so willing to help, so willing to dish out advice. It's like all of us there, all 140 of us are running our own mini law firms and these consultants are the big partners of our mini law firms.
We draft letters, write out cheques, chase clients, swear and affirm affidavits, file documents, maintain our trust accounts, learn about wills, advocacy, conveyancing and all the laws and other things that fall in between. It's like all those years of law school combined into a nice, neat, intensive course. I rather enjoy the work actually. I like that I have my own cubicle, my own desk and chair and of course, my own little way of doing things.
You see, it's not that bad actually. But I think it's some of the people there that are driving me crazy with their ways (but then who knows, i might be driving them crazy with mine as well!) and it is what making me say that I rather be elsewhere than here.
Which, of course, brings me to another plus point with the institute is that even though it's like high school where we have to mark our attendances every day at 9.15 am (and if we are late more than a couple of times, we have to see the director!!!) we don't have to do silly group work things - this means that I, can do my own things without having to worry about people that I don't like, that I don't wanna care about, that I don't want to talk to. So perhaps, by the looks of things, I'll never have to speak to them for the next 6 months (it's what I'm really planning to do.)
That said, I do. I do like the course, the experience, the amazing notes that I've gotten, the instructions and what I've learnt just by talking to the instructions and some of the friends that I've made. I love the routine that my life has been placed under. I like that I'm busy as a bee. I like that it's not so much different from what Springvale was (because when you have to chase your instructors who are your clients, it's like when you're chasing your REAL clients at the legal service). I like having my good coffee in the morning. I like that I get to wear pretty shoes to work everyday.
What i don't like though, is that the another half of my wardrobe only gets to appear on weekends. ha.